Lesson Articles

Guitar Music Playlist – A Listening Lesson

Guitar is such a versatile instrument. It has been used in every major style of music that I can think of and its sound and function in music can vary dramatically. The following playlist aims to highlight songs that utilize guitars (and bass) in a variety of styles and eras. If you’re one of my students I hope that some of this music will be new to you and I want to encourage you to ask some questions as you listen to each song (or at least skim through the playlist).

How would you classify the style of music?

What role does the guitar/bass play in the song?

Do the parts sound simple or complex? What types of rhythms are being used?

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What songs stand out to you? Why?

Have you heard something you’d like to learn? Do you think you could play it now or would you have to develop your skill more first?
